Monday, 9 February 2009

Bad Blogger

Apologies for the lack of updates in recent days - I was going to blog late last night, but events got the better of me, and I instead spent the wee hours drinking beer in the hostel and discussing Hindu temples with some Indian-Malaysian doctors. The posts I was writing thus somehow never quite got finished...

Anyway, today we're leaving Moscow on the first stage of our trans-Siberian voyage. We'll reach Yekaterinburg tomorrow and then on Friday it's off to freeze our arses off in Irkutsk, where Saturday's temperature is forecast to be a balmy -30 C. Aisch.

We've had a great time in Kiev and Moscow and I'll use some of the many forthcoming hours train time to write about it before I forget it all - tales of Ukranian babushkas, concrete rainbows, Communist cats, and Lenin's embalmed corpse to come....

1 comment:

  1. what tempting treats to come. my guess is that will you be freezing your ass off in your H&M coat?

    have a great time. captials difficult with one hand!

    love mum x
