Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Another Year Older...

So, today I was chatting with the Chinese teachers at are school (who are all lovely), and the conversation turned to what our Chinese zodiac signs were. Now, with the exception of our manager, who has recently hit the big 30, every single employee at our school is between the ages of 21 and 26, and so we were trying to group ourselves into our relatively limited Chinese star sign groups.

When I said I was 24 and was thus a rat according to the Chinese zodiac (supposed characteristics: talkative, pioneering, quick-witted, friendly, terrible with money - actually far better than my crappy western star sign of Capricorn, whose sole characteristics appear to be stolid, conservative dullardness), they looked at me with blank incomprehension. According to them, if I was 24 then I would have to be born in 1985, and thus I would be an ox. I attempted to refute that logic by saying I was born in December 1984, and woulld thus still be 24 for another 8 months, but this was met with jokes that I was trying to deny my age!

So, it turns out that in China your age is dependent on the year of your birth; like racehorses, all Chinese people age a year on January 1st (yet they still celebrate birthdays -I'm not entirely sure what the deal is with that.) For a person like me who is born on December 28th, this effectively adds a whole year to my age. So, until September at least, when I will revert to the comparative youthfulness of 24 for a few more blessed months, I have now officially hit the big fat quarter century...


  1. Hate to break it to you, but in proper old Chinese tradition, you're 26 since technically when you're born, you're already 1 year old because of the time you spent in the womb as well as the whole add a year at the beginning of the year thing. So I'm afraid you've already gone past 25 a while ago. Thought I'd share that :D Van x

  2. hahahahahahahahahahahaha


    That makes you late twenties, doesn't it?

  3. But Van, I wasn't even CONCEIVED in 1983 so there is absolutely no way I can be 26 by any system of reckoning! They've already given me an extra year by default which more than covers the time I spent in the womb, so I am calling out this one as a big fat 'no fair' (sulks).

    And no, it absolutely does NOT make me late twenties, foetus face.

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...being 25 means you're going straight to 30...and thirty means that you're already standing in your tomb with one leg.

    I always thought that I was older than you...ha, beat you by three months! :D


  5. And more blog posts pleeeaaaaseeee! ;)
