Monday, 27 April 2009

ST*&*(&(*D F*!&@%G C*($&@$R

I am interrupting this blog's regularly scheduled silence in order to announce that I am having a very bad day. This is because at approximately 2am this morning my computer decided to set itself on fire. There was I, happily sat in bed wasting time meandering around the little-trodden paths of internet (actually being very swotty and reading some journal articles for my masters, so probably very little-trodden indeed), when all of a sudden I noticed a rather strange and decidedly unpleasant smell. To my, ahem, surprise, acrid black smoke was pouring out of the power socket. Rather less surprisingly, as I was going 'shit........,' Tilly the evil laptop then decided to make a strange noise and then turn herself off.

Now Tilly has a history of wilful, capricious and downright shitty behaviour (it was a bad idea to name her after a wilful, capricious and downright shitty 11th century wannabe queen of England), but self-immolation really takes the fucking cake. Unsurprisingly, she's now not turning back on, and so I whilst I am going to take her to the repair shop this week, I suspect that she might this time actually be dead as a dodo. The power supply has gone funny before and was (eventually) fixed, but given that a) I am in China and they might not have the facilities to fix a laptop with a very unusual power connection and b) she set herself on fire, I am not that optimistic as to her future.

I am hoping against hope that eventually she will be able to turn herself on, even if it is temporary, because ALL MY FUCKING STUFF IS ON THERE! Everything before I left for Prague is backed up, but my photos aren't, and lots of important documents I need aren't (although I have got some of the most important stuff stored in Gmail). I shall hang onto her festering corpse until I get back in the hope that either someone can make her come back to life, or I can have the fun of smashing her crappy little body into tiny pieces.



  1. hello Jen,
    As I read you've got problem with your's not a surprise to me hihihih
    Hope you're fine. At the moment I'm at work I've got nothing to do so I came to look at news on your blog.
    Bye Tam

  2. Bloody Tilly, I always knew she was trouble. I don't think the Matilda connection has anything to do with it though; I think where you went wrong was allowing me to give her the same diminutive as my (slightly crazy) grandmother. You'd never have had this problem with poor old Gustav (sniff... Why Gustav, WHYYYYYYYYYY!!??)

    But hey, you're in China! If they can make a giant dancing human printing press, then they can probably fix a dodgy cord- it sounds like she's had a power overload (buy a surge protector- if she survives...), so actually the much-maligned Tilly might be the innocent party, and the power socket/adaptor is to blame. But it's more fun to blame Tilly.

    Maybe you could just buy an ubercheap chinese laptop, and throw Tilly from a high window (just make sure you video it if you do)
