Friday, 30 January 2009

Photos, Photos Everywhere

Apologies for there having been a misleadingly titled 'My Photos' on the links bar for a few days (misleadingly titled in that there were no photos of any kind whatsoever, and the link led you only into some barren wilderness somewhere in the dingy backstreets of Picasa-land). Happily, I can now confirm that if you bother to click on the 'My Pics' link you will actually be taken to a page containing lots of pretty pictures of snow, sunshine and drunken misadventure in the beautiful capital of Bohemia. Oh, and Katie has also got her act together and put her pics on Flickr, so do click there for more.

There are about 100 pics on mine at the moments but I'll post more from this week soon, so do check back for updates. I imagine there'll be a lot of the 'drunken misadventure/hideous gurn' genre from this weekend, as it's our last weekend in Prague and hence must be celebrated as all events are in Prague: with beer. I'm also finally going to go to the castle tomorrow and pay my respects to the wonderful Rudolph, so you should also expect lots of wonky pictures of gothic spires. Don't pretend you're not excited....


  1. Thanks for the tin of Jahodas. I can think of nothing better in the world. You'll be pleased to hear my time with the hair follicle man of the hour is no more. We have ceased all communication now my lit review is handed in. Looks like yuo're having a great time, enjoy your last week in Prague and take care of the bear. xxxxx

  2. Hey, thanks for the comment - glad the follicling is finally over. The bear is being well taken care of now that one source of evil-doing has departed for Evesham and the other has been strongly advised not to touch him.

    It actually turns out that Mr Hair Follice is some sort of relation-by-marriage of Katie's, so I have some inside info on him if you ever come across him again and need to scare him. Just say to him 'your father is called Gustav and he likes to shoot squirrels,' and he should be mightily confused. I have more if you need it xx
